Resources to equip, encourage, and inform our Antioch Movement family in all God has called us to engage in His purposes in the earth.


Passion & Purpose
Antioch Community Church is a model of passionate devotion to God and His purposes, which has led to great power and fruitfulness. Their success comes from their passion for Jesus and commitment to His Word, showing how the Church can still change the world.

Parenting Without Regret
In Parenting Without Regret, the Seiberts provide hope and guidance on topics such as insecurities, purity, the future and developing a relationship with God to help parents raise a generation of young people who are prepared to glorify God.

Go Make Disciples
This book encourages readers to embrace authentic discipleship community, equipping them to lead small groups and offering training in a simple discipleship process. Despite messiness, this will bear lasting fruit with commitment.

Dream Clock
This book discusses the division that is prevalent in the 21st century, where people are divided into "Us" and "Them", leading to assumptions, pain, and separation. The solution proposed is the "Dream Clock," which can help bridge racial divides and create a new tomorrow between us and them.
Internal Resources
We have a wide array of resources available to missionaries abroad, and they are available to all members of the Christian faith through our website. To access these materials, you can either create a free account or log in if you already have an account. Our resources range from more than 100 different items, and are designed to support missionaries in their work.