We believe young adults working everywhere from coffee shops to New York financial firms to full-time missions in the nations are invited to be on the front lines of what God is doing on the earth. Our desire is to see young people from every sphere of society enter into an intimate and vibrant relationship with Jesus that transforms their day to day lives and leads to the salvation and discipleship of many around them. We also pick up the Isaiah 54:2-3 call of the Antioch Movement to resettle the desolate cities, bringing the solutions of God to the brokenness we see around us. This is Revival and Reformation. Both are required if we want to see heaven invade earth.
This has been Antioch's call from the very beginning; we simply want to consecrate ourselves to do what He has called us to do. We want to see people empowered to live on mission in every local sphere, taking back what the enemy has meant for evil and partnering with Jesus as He “reconcile[s] to Himself all things”. We are claiming the workplace for Jesus and His Kingdom!

If nothing else, we want you to feel invited to be a part of a family on mission. The relationships built through R&R are for life, and we hope you feel brought into a God-sized mission that is bigger than yourself. We also pray you feel envisioned to own both revival and reformation in a way that feels personal (whether only attending one gathering, following us on social media, being sent out to pioneer something new, or anywhere in between). Ultimately, our hope is that everyone involved with R&R is an ambassador of the Revival & Reformation mission in their own sphere of influence.
Inspired by the forerunners in the Clapham Group, Revival & Reformation seeks to rebuild the desolate cities, as prophesied in Isaiah 54:3.
In 1792, William Wilberforce and a group of friends started the Clapham group. They sought to combine a deep love for Jesus with a desire to see society transformed, bringing the Kingdom of God down to earth. This radical living and bravery of a small group of believers in the late 18th century inspired a group of modern day followers of Jesus to seek the same thing: revival of the heart and transformation of society. Revival & Reformations seeks just that: to equip young adults in and through the local church to catalyze revival and contend for reformation.

R&R Conference
September 27-28, 2024
Young Adults from across the Movement will gather to worship, pray, and be equipped to live on mission in the workplace, both in the US and around the world.
The gathering begins at 7pm on Friday evening and will conclude Saturday evening, although attendees are encouraged to join a Sunday service at Antioch Waco at 9am or 11am.
Jesus @ Work
We believe that God is on the move in every sphere of society and we want to envision, equip, and bring connection to those who aren’t in a typical “mission field.” This resource is a video series complimented with a facilitator’s guide for each video with the intent for small groups to go through the series together.

Time with God
Having a thriving personal devotional life is one of the most important things for in walking with God. We have developed video trainings to diversify and challenge your devotional life with the Lord. There is something for everyone in these trainings, so we encourage you to find one that works for you. Get out of your comfort zone!

Field Notes Podcast
Field Notes Podcast, by Caleb Seibert and Danielle Perez, is based on a set of simple propositions: that the stories of God are worth capturing; that the king of theUniverse has invited us to partner with Him to see hearts, families, cities, and systems transformed; and that these stories are not just for full-time pastors or the most gifted among us. In His kingdom, anyone can play.
Eyes on Him
Eyes on Him, a worship expression of Revival & Reformation, is a collective of worshippers from across the Antioch Movement following the Lamb and leading us towards revival. We cannot see revival and reformation without fixing our Eyes on Him! We want to be ones who pick up the call of the Moravians from long ago, crying out in worship “May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering.”