A Passion For Jesus And His Purposes In The Earth
Antioch is a multiplying church-planting church movement that seeks to reach the nations of the earth by making disciples that encounter God, disciple others, and live on mission through the local church.

From Small Beginnings
Our first discipleship school began in 1987 in Waco, Texas and has grown into a global movement of church-planting churches.
The Antioch Movement’s first discipleship school begins at Highland Baptist Church in Waco, Texas led by Jimmy and Laura Seibert with seven students in the inaugural class.

The first World Mandate conference is hosted in Waco, Texas to worship God and inspire the next generation of missionaries. The conference has continued ever since and is the primary gathering of the Antioch Movement.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Antioch Discipleship School outreaches result in the Antioch Movement’s first international church plants in Russia and Mongolia. These churches have each multiplied and continue today.

Antioch Missions International (AMI) is started to support church plants, train, and send new missionaries. We now support several hundred missionaries by offering coaching, pastoral care, ongoing equipping and logistical support.

The Antioch Movement plants its first U.S. church in Boston, Massachusetts.

Jimmy and Laura Seibert start Antioch Community Church in an abandoned grocery store in Waco, Texas around a simple devotion to Jesus and His purposes. Antioch Waco continues to serve as the central office for the Antioch Movement.

One month before 9/11, two of the Antioch Movement’s missionaries are arrested by the Taliban secret police in Afghanistan. Antioch church members, friends and supporters rally together for over 100 days of 24-hour prayer on their behalf. Heather and Dayna’s imprisonment and miraculous release makes international news. Their testimony stirs the Antioch family to continue believing in God’s grace and provision, even for those working in the hardest places.

The Antioch Movement opens a missionary retreat center providing pastoral care for field workers. The retreat center is currently located in Portugal with two new locations opening soon.

Following the South Asia Tsunami, one of the world’s most devastating natural disasters, Antioch created Acts of Mercy International as a crisis relief agency, leading to medical relief in Indonesia and a long-term rebuilding plan for a fishing village in Sri Lanka.

The Antioch U.S. Office is formed to focus on the United States. Four new churches were launched within two years.

Antioch celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the first training school and spent several developing the Vision 20 plan which re-clarified our commitment to discipleship and missions through the local church.

The number of people attending Antioch U.S. churches surpassed the number of people attending Antioch Waco.

UnBound is created to catalyze the Church to fight human trafficking.

The Antioch International Field Office opens in Southeast Asia to continue equipping and supporting the Antioch Movement’s international missionaries.

A fresh wave of missionaries went to the mission field from the different Antioch U.S. churches. This doubled the size of our international field staff in just a few years.

The Antioch Movement sends 1,800 short-term volunteers from Antioch U.S. churches to nine different European cities in a project called ENGAGE THE CRISIS, offering relief and hope to refugees in crisis.

The Antioch Movement grows to 45 churches in the United States and more than 80 additional locations around the world.

Find Your Church Homebase
Antioch churches can be found in major cities around the world. Chances are there’s one in your city! For a full list of our US churches and some of our international bases, click below 👇