Internal Resources
We have a wide array of resources available to our staff and missionaries abroad, and they are available to all members of the Christian faith through our website. To access these materials, you can either create a free account or log in if you already have an account. Our resources are designed to support each local church or missionary in their work.

What They Include
This is a database of all Antioch US staff. This includes names, emails, and positions of each person at each local church. This is updated by the MSO every 3 months but if there is a change that happens prior to this, please email
Ministry areas
Key resources for major ministry areas of your church. Some of these include Kid’s Ministry, Member Care, Welcome Ministry, Mission Directors, Team Training etc.
Position papers and values from the Antioch Movement that provide biblical guidance for several contemporary issues.
Browse through our multimedia resources – podcasts, communications, books and production/tech. These consist of templates, how-to’s, recommendations, and many more from creative departments across the movement.
Browse through old and new sermons and sermon series – from Sunday mornings to World Mandates, these messages are meant to lead you to Jesus and provide sound teachings of His Word.
Spiritual Growth
A variety of resources that help you grow in your walk with God.
From ‘igniting the boiler room’ in prayer, to Unbound, Acts of Mercy, Engage the Nations and many more outreach initiatives our movement is pioneering and leading, here are resources and important pieces of information that each of these ministries have to offer.
At Antioch, we believe lifegroups are the heartbeat and life of all that we do. As Acts 2:42-47 as our model, browse through our resources and to ensure healthy, spirit-filled life groups that are seeing lives, homes, and societies transformed.
The Antioch Movement has multiple yearly and bi-yearly events that happen regionally across the US and internationally. Check this events page to stay updated on event rhythms and dates for movement gatherings for the year.
We are a people with a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the earth.
These resources are free to anyone who creates a log in.
These resources are created for anyone working for or with the Antioch Movement at any of our churches across the globe. Anyone outside of our movement is welcome to create a login and download/browse our resources as well.
Please email
The MSO stands for the Movement Support Office which exists to support the work of the Antioch Movement by supporting the mobilization of new US churches and international teams, supporting the health and growth of existing US churches and leaders, and uniting the movement. This mission is fueled by our desire to prioritize the local church and empower churches to continue to engage the mission of God. Both the MSO and IFO report to the Antioch Oversight Team.
The IFO stands for the International Field Office. Led by an internationally based team, the IFO provides field-based training, coaching, pastoral care, team training, prayer mobilization, and event planning for all Antioch Movement international teams. The MSO and IFO are two distinct entities that work together to support Antioch missions.